Confero: Discussing the Future

There are key moments in the life of every great organization when evaluation, assessment, and planning for the future must take place.  As NorthHaven begins to break ground on our new Children and Youth Education Center, the time has arrived to begin discussing what future ministry and mission possibilities are before us.

Similar to the recommendation to create more usable space generated the current building project, the time to access current ministries and develop new opportunities is at hand.  Every great organization takes time to evaluate current conditions and realities, which hopefully produces a narrowing of present focus and an expansion of future possibilities.

Therefore, on Sunday evening, at 6:00 PM, NorthHaven will convene for an especially important Confero.  The term Confero means “to confer for conversation.”  Our congregation will meet over the course of two Sunday nights to discuss a wide range of topics, helping us to refocus our faith and practice in hopes of becoming more mature disciples and expanding our missional congregation.

Here are some examples of the questions we will be exploring this upcoming Sunday…

What are you currently doing to grow your personal faith?

In what ways are you investing in NorthHaven ministries and missions?

What would compel you to invite someone to church?

How much time each week do you have for church activities?

What currently excites you about your faith and your church?

What are you willing to do to invest in the future of NorthHaven?

These are just a few of the questions we will be exploring on the first night of Confero.  During our second gathering, we will then turn our conversation to specific ministries within our church in which people participate. In addition, we will explore any future ministries people would like to invest in for the purpose of engaging others with the presence of Christ.

We hope to see every person in attendance, interested in the future of God’s work through NorthHaven Church.

Tech Overload

During October, I have been highlighting dastardly characters in my sermon series entitled “Villains in the Pew.”  Thus far, we have evaluated The Wicked Witch of the West and Darth Vader.  This week, we will be taking a look at a pop-culture icon, which some people forget started out as a villain.  We will be examining The Terminator and how technology seems to be taking over our lives.

Therefore, prior to the sermon, I have a few questions I would like to ask.  These questions will provide an idea of how much technology plays a part in our lives.   Once we stop to consider the sheer amount of time we spend with technology, we might be challenged to get up from our desks and take a walk outside on this beautiful Autumn day.

Here are the questions (Note: the questions ask about weekly minutes):

  • How many minutes do you spend working on a computer or tablet each week?  This includes word processing, excel files, data entry, email, or any other program you utilize for work?
  • How many minutes do you spend on a computer or tablet each week for leisure?  This includes Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, surfing the web, watching Netflix, or anything else just for fun.
  • How many minutes do you spend talking on the phone for work and private conversations each week?
  • How many minutes do you spend sending and receiving texts each week?
  • How many minutes do you spend listening to or watching something on your smartphone or tablet each week?
  • How many minutes do you spend playing games (Angry Birds and Words for Friends count) on a smartphone or tablet each week? 
  • How many minutes do you spend playing video games on a gaming console per week?
  • How many minutes do you spend watching a movie or television shows each week?

Now, take that amount of time and subtract it from 10,080 (minutes per week) and this leaves the amount of time you have for other activities.  Now, subtract 2,940 (seven hours of sleep per night) and this gives waking minutes for other activities.  How many do you have?  Surprised?  How so?

Now if this is way too much math or time to spend helping the pastor, answer this simple question for me.  Over the next hour, tell me how many times your eyeballs look at your phone?  Two per hour?  Six per hour?  Twelve per hour?  Are you looking at your phone right now?

If so, set it down and go take a walk.  The sunshine will do you good.

See you Sunday as we examine The Terminator!

Breaking a Kid’s Jar

For seventeen years I have been pastoring churches.  For many of those years I have taught countless children’s lessons during services.  Furthermore, for the last five years, I have been pulling items out the Mystery Bag and developing spontaneous lessons without any problem.  That was, until yesterday.

For those who are unaware of what we do at NorthHaven, instead of a traditional Children’s Sermon during the service we offer the children an opportunity to bring something special to them and place it into the Mystery Bag.  The Mystery Bag, my old seminary satchel, is taken home by the children and brought back with something unbeknownst to me inside.  During the service, I open the bag to reveal what the child has brought and attempt to come up with a lesson right there on the spot.  It has been a great time for the children and an even better time for the adults when they know I’m stumped.

All has gone swimmingly over the last five years until yesterday.  A child brought a collection of bottle caps and marbles that his grandmother gave him.  They were all secured safely inside large mason jars.  Well, Pastor Mitch really liked the sound the marbles made when they hit the side of the jar.  So, I was showing the other children the marbles and giving them a shake when all of sudden the jar cracked.

It may have been my lowest point ever with the kids.  I felt absolutely horrible.  The young man was extremely gracious telling me it was all right, but I felt like the worst pastor ever.  Not only did I break this little boy’s container, I did it in front of the entire congregation.  Needless to say, the “lesson” took a backseat to the more important lesson of learning to say you’re sorry when something goes awry by your own doing.

For the record, once again, Z I am sooooo sorry!  I owe you one, but thanks for being so understanding, gracious, and Christ-like with your response to my clumsiness.  You, my friend, are one in a million!

The Rise of the None’s

The Pew Research Center released a survey recently which was very interesting for those interested in the religious landscape of America.  Religion & Ethics NewsWeekly, a program produced by PBS, will be airing a three-part miniseries on the topic called, “None of the Above: The Rise of the Religiously Unaffiliated.”  Check local listings for the program dates and times.

The rise of the none’s (religiously unaffiliated) has grown to nearly 20 percent of the population, which comprises 46 million Americans.  These are startling figures.  However, as troubling as these numbers seem to be, there are some interesting contradictions.  One apparent contradiction revealed the religiously unaffiliated are not necessarily opposed to faith.  Sixty-eight percent of those designated “none’s” say they believe in God or a universal spirit.  This indicates that most of the religiously unaffiliated are not necessarily opposed to God, rather they have grown distant from organized religious institutions.

What does this say to those of us within organized religious instructions, such as the church and denominations?  It would be easy to lay the blame at the feet of the none’s, claiming they have given into the temptations of the world.  There is no doubt our culture has changed.  The world has become a more alluring place for those seeking an escape from reality.  However, much of the blame I am afraid can be set squarely at the front door of the church.

Here are some reasons I think we bear much of the blame…

  • The church has become more concerned over doctrine than people.
  • The church has merged herself too much into the secular political process.
  • The church has lost focus of our main objectives: worship, discipleship, fellowship, and missions.
  • Are there any other reasons you would add to this list?

    If you are a “None” then I would really like to hear from you.

    Religious Liberty Flows in My Veins

    Last week, I traveled to Washington D.C. to attend the annual board meeting for the Baptist Joint Committee.  This meeting is always very special because of the inspiration generated when hearing about the great work the BJC has accomplished.  Brent Walker (Executive Director), Hollyn Hollman (General Counsel), and the rest of the BJC staff provide an incredible witness and defense for religious liberty in our nation’s capitol.   We should all be proud of their work!

    In addition to the board meeting, the BJC celebrated a great achievement, the newly renovated Center for Religious Liberty was unveiled.  The center is absolutely gorgeous, with the latest technology and architectural designs that provide for an amazing experience.  Generation after generation will benefit from the center’s commitment to providing both education and advocacy.  In the Baugh-Walker Conference Room, there is an incredible view of the Supreme Court with the U.S. Capitol rising out behind it.  It is a wonderful reminder about the prophetic voice Baptists have provided throughout our country’s existence.

    On Monday night we toured the center and Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer offered a word of encouragement to our group.  During the entire exciting evening, I could not help but reflect why religious liberty and church/state separation is so important to me personally.  As many of you know, I am a Native American from the Muskogee (Creek) tribe.  My bother and I are one-fourth Creek with many of our ancestors being full blood Creeks.  One of them was my great-grandmother, Eloise Boudinot.

    Eloise grew-up in Eastern Oklahoma and was sent to a government run boarding school when she was very young.  Along with my great-aunt Ruby, they suffered at the hands of people who were there to supposedly help.  Christian missionaries were allowed to teach in this government run school and conduct actions that were very un-Christian.  As little girls, Eloise and Ruby were whipped when they spoke their native Muskogee language.  Good Christian girls spoke only English they were told.  Their hair was cut to reflect a more appropriate Christian style, an attempt to defile the sacredness of Native American’s long hair.  Just imagine it.  Two little innocent girls, scared and alone, being whipped for simply being different.  And all of this took place in the name of a Christian witness and under the watchful eye of a government funded school.

    Want to know why I stand for religious liberty?  Want to know why I strongly defend the wall that separates church and state?  At the top of my list is this story of little Eloise and Ruby, my great-grandmother and great-aunt.  Never should a child be made to feel ostracized and demeaned because of their culture or religious differences.  Never should the state permit a religious organization to promote their beliefs to captive children while under the state’s care.  Religious liberty should be for all people and the best way to preserve this freedom is by keeping church and state separate.

    Congratulations to the Baptist Joint Committee for the new center.  It is absolutely beautiful!  Yet, more than anything, I want to thank you for keeping religious liberty and church/state separation at the forefront of our minds.  Even further, thank you for defending religious liberty and keeping the wall of separation strong.  On behalf of my family and ancestors, I thank you!

    “Un”score One for the Good Guy

    While all the American football fans are celebrating over the end of the referee lockout, did you hear what one soccer referee has to be thankful for yesterday?  In the Italian League top division, German national star Miroslav Klose does something unexpected but refreshing.  In this day of win-at-all-costs in professional sports, he tells the truth which takes away a goal for his team.

    Early in the match, the ball was crossed over into the front of the goal.  Klose made a run at it and the ball ricocheted into the goal.  His teammates began to celebrate, because the goal would have given them the lead, 1-0.  The other team, however, was not as festive.  They started screaming at the referee arguing the goal was scored with the use of Klose’s hand.  In soccer, of course, this is a blatant rule violation and there is no such thing as instant replays.

    Unexpectedly, Klose calmly walks over to the referee and whispers into his ear.  The referee immediately waves off the goal and the game continues, 0-0.  Klose’s opponents visually displayed their appreciation and admiration for his truthfulness and sportsmanship.  Klose’s team went on to lose the match, 3-0.  However, just for a moment, we were reminded why the world calls soccer, “The Beautiful Game.”

    Hmmmm…  What would have happened if a Seahawks player or coach would have done that this past Monday night at the end of their NFL game when a blown call gave them the win?

    What would you do if given the chance?

    Smiling Tex

    Yesterday, I received an email at the end of the day inviting me to an event coming to Oklahoma City in a few short months.  The event was sponsored by a famous preacher, who has sold millions of books around the world and possesses a smile the size of Texas.

    Now, I have to admit, I too smiled when I received the invitation.  While I am quite certain this preacher is a great guy, I do struggle with the lack of theological foundation from which he preaches.  Don’t get me wrong, he is a great motivational speaker, but one would have to listen really hard to determine whether he was talking about Jesus at all.

    But he does….

    That reality got me thinking.  This morning, I pulled out the lectionary texts for the week.  Low and behold, look at what I read in the Gospel of Mark 9:38-41.

    John spoke up, “Teacher, we saw a man using your name to expel demons and we stopped him because he wasn’t in our group.”

    Jesus wasn’t pleased. “Don’t stop him. No one can use my name to do something good and powerful, and in the next breath cut me down. If he’s not an enemy, he’s an ally. Why, anyone by just giving you a cup of water in my name is on our side. Count on it that God will notice (The Message).

    Now, I really doubt if I accept the invitation from yesterday, but I will offer a prayer for the event.  I pray that the thirsty will receive a drink of living water for their parched souls.  I pray that Christ proclaimed, even with a mention, has more power than the greatest orators on earth.

    Go get’em smiling Tex and may the Lord be with you!

    Native Roots

    Over the last few months, Missy and I have been gathering information and filling out paperwork for my boys.  The reason for this gallant effort on our part is the hope to secure an Indian Degree of Blood Card for the boys.  The boys and I are descendants from the Muskogee People, better knows as the mighty and humble Creek Nation.

    My grandmother, Okema Randall, on my father’s side, was the last full blood Creek in our family.  Because she and her descendants married non-Native people, that makes me one-quarter Creek and the boys one-eighth.  This process has been fascinating, looking back at my family, their roll numbers, and reflecting on our family’s history (My aunt deserves much of the credit for keeping our Creek History up-to-date).

    When I started this process and people discovered what I was doing, it was always the same response.  They would say with an excited voice, “Wow, that’s great!  You guys can get some money for school and free medical treatment.”  Now, I have to admit that did cross my mind and has been an incentive for filling out the mounds of paperwork.  However, as I read the names of my ancestors and wrote them on the paperwork, something else began to take over.

    Instead of dreaming about scholarships and free medicine, I began to dream about how our Native ancestors connect with future generations.  Now, our family has skeletons in our closets like every other family, but we also have a great sense of pride for where we have come and where we are going.  From my great-grandparents to the next generation of our family, the Creek blood that flows through our veins is important.

    We attempt to maintain a connection to our culture through education and experience.  We celebrate the traditions of our ancestors, but look forward to a rising tide of emerging new Native American generations.  The Muskogee people come from a deep rooted culture and tradition, but the new generation of Creeks are evolving.  This does not mean they are abandoning their cultural heritage, but they are making strides in the world before them.

    We have family in this emerging generation that are achieving great things in the world, like my young cousin, who is attending Oklahoma State University and interning in places like our nation’s capital.  My boys and nieces have the world before them with opportunities abounding.  I am confident they will go long distances and reach great heights, but I do hope they never travel so far they cannot hear the beat of the sacred drums of their people.

    No matter who you are or where you come from, native roots can provide sustenance for future life and growth.  May all of our families know where they come from and where they are going.  The blood that flows through your veins is important, grounding us to rich pasts and offering us insight for bright futures.

    Why NorthHaven? Missions

    Acts 2:43-47

    Awe came upon everyone, because many wonders and signs were being done by the apostles. All who believed were together and had all things in common; they would sell their possessions and goods and distribute the proceeds to all, as any had need. Day by day, as they spent much time together in the temple, they broke bread at home and ate their food with glad and generous hearts, praising God and having the goodwill of all the people. And day by day the Lord added to their number those who were being saved.


    Ever been in a competitive race?  As some of you know, NorthHaven’s running compass group likes to tackle the occasional 5K or 10K race.  There is something special about those mornings.  Usually it is cool and everyone is in good cheer.  When arriving some are yawning with their morning coffee not quite kicking in yet.  Others are raring to go, immediately trying to discover the starting line and jockey for position before the start gun fires.

    One of my favorite moments is scoping out the contestants before the race.  Some are wearing the latest gear, while others appear as though this might be their first time to lace up a pair of running shoes.  Regardless of appearance though, everyone is eager and excited.  Once the starting gun sounds, massive chaos ensues.  Some racers rush out to a quick start, while others prefer a more leisurely pace.

    It’s about at the 1/2K marker you begin to realize the enjoyment of the moment.  For me, it not about who I beat or what place I finish.  I run fast and I try hard, but the real enjoyment of race day is realizing you’re part of something bigger than yourself.  Each individual has trained.  Each individual has sacrificed and worked hard.  Each individual has brought their best to this day.  For some reason though, individuality seems to fade on the course.  Individuality begins to blend into the ethos of the run.

    Runners find themselves talking to other runners.  Passing an elderly man, you cheer him on in your mind.  He does the same when he passes me at the end.  Seeing children run through the streets reminds you of the joys of youth.  Noticing someone trying to catch their breath to take another stride motivates you to offer some encouragement.  Race day has always been a moment when I conclude it truly is the race and the people running alongside me that make the day so enjoyable.

    First Century Church

    As the first century church began to grow, we discover a people racing forward evolving into a thriving community with a deep rooted mission in their hearts.  They are encouraging each other.  They are meeting each other’s needs.  They are loving each other the way Jesus taught them to love, that agape kind of love with no restriction, no boundaries.  They are even finding new participants for the race.

    In the book of Acts, Luke’s continuation of his Gospel story, we begin to catch a glimpse of Jesus’ disciples in the aftermath of his ascension.  Methodist scholar William Willimon reminds us that we are seeing these disciples as the “embodiment of the Pentecost enthusiasm” (Willimon, 39).  Back in Acts 2, we experienced a fresh movement of the Holy Spirit with Peter preaching that incredible sermon, disciples speaking in unknown languages, and others professing Jesus as God’s Messiah.  Indeed, it was an incredible day with reverberations continuing to build.

    Four Foundations of the Early Church (Acts 2:42)

    At the conclusion of chapter 2, we are introduced to the four “embodiments of the Gospel” (Willimon, 40).  The first Christians “devoted themselves to the apostle’s teachings and fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.”  These four embodiments were embedded into the heart of the community, establishing a missional component to their faith.

    In other words, it was not enough to be recipients of God’s grace, mercy, and love.  The people experiencing the reverberations of Pentecost wanted to share those experiences with others.  They wanted others to join them in discovering the mysteries of God, the benefits of living in community, and the attributes of living missionally.

    This brings us to Acts 2:43-47…

    The Missional Community (Acts 2:43-47)

    An “awe inspiring” faith.  Taking a deeper look into the first Christian community, we first discover an “awe inspiring” faith.  Ben Witherington III suggests the reason for this “awe” towards the first century Christians was the “zeal they possessed for their faith” (Witherington, 161).  They were not “lukewarm” as the church of Laodicea would become (Revelation 3:14-15).  They were burning white hot from the Pentecostal tide.

    Living missionally begins with living an “awe inspiring” faith.  The Greek word for “awe” is “phobos,” which literally means “to be put to flight.”  Living an “awe inspiring” faith does not mean you need to be super-spiritual.  Living an “awe inspiring” faith does not mean you have to be a great biblical scholar.  Living an “awe inspiring” faith does mean your experiences with God inspire you to take flight…to move forward…to do something other than remain stationary.

    Much of the church’s problems today, in my opinion, is a stubbornness to stay stationary in theology and the practice of faith.  In many cases, the churches of our time are more like the church at Laodicea in Revelation, lukewarm, rather than the church riding the waves of Pentecost.

    At NorthHaven, we do everything in our power to live an “awe inspiring” faith.  Now, please do not misunderstand me.  This is not a “display window” kind of faith to demonstrate our piety, but a faith that inspires us internally to live out the love of Jesus to the world before us.  NorthHaven refuses to stay put, stay stagnant, or stay struck.  We are constantly looking for new opportunities, new partnerships, and new doors that God opens for us.

    Together, we move forward.

    Together forward.  The second attribute played out in the life of the first century Christians is their fellowship.  They were committed to Christ and to each other.  We are told they “were together and had all things in common.”  The Greek word for “together” is epi which literally renders “connection.”  The first century church was not only enjoying new friendships, but they were “connected” through their faith and mission in Jesus Christ.

    Having “all things in common” stems from the notion of fellowship or koinos.  Koinos is the Greek idea of having something in common that joins people together.  In this instance, the koinos of the first Christians was their faith, but it was also the living out of that faith among their community.  Together, they moved forward actually living out the Gospel.

    At NorthHaven, you will discover a community built upon the idea of freedom: Bible Freedom, Soul Freedom, Church Freedom, and Religious Freedom.  You will discover our willingness to engage and include anyone seeking community.  And today, you will discover a group of dedicated believers attempting to live out the Gospel in an intentional and missional way.  At NorthHaven, we love Jesus and we love people.

    Therefore, together, we cast our gaze both inwardly and outwardly seeking to meet the needs of the those we see.

    Your need, my need.  Another characteristic of the first century church was their willingness to sell their possessions and provide for others.  This is a deep contrast to the rich young ruler, but complementary to the life-altering decision of Zaccheus, the tax collector.  Zaccheus, you will remember, sold his possessions to give the money to the poor and refunded people more than four times what he had cheated them.  As Luke points out, the first century Christians followed suit, living a missional philosophy declaring your need is my need.

    At NorthHaven, we recognize a world in need.  We often tease with the quip, we have not met a mission opportunity we have not liked.  From our global ventures to our local projects, NorthHaven is seeking to make a real difference in this world through loving people and meeting their needs; physical, physiological, and spiritual.

    Through helping families with food and offering protection against diseases, we are committed to healing the body.  Through our CareNetwork, we are attempting to help individuals overcome trauma from childhood sexual abuse.  Through supporting missionaries and church starts, we are helping expand the kingdom of God.  Of course, there are many other projects and partnerships we are involved in at NorthHaven, but one thing remains consistent, we are committed to the missional lifestyle.

    For us, here at NorthHaven, missions is not just about the church.  Being missional is about being the presence of Christ wherever we dwell, wherever we work, wherever we travel.  Being missional is a lifestyle, depicting the life and ministry of Christ.  More simply, it means embracing others with the love of Jesus as they have need.

    Their needs are our needs.

    Generosity attracts generosity.  Finally, what is our reward?  Why do we spend 15% of our budgeted receipts on missions?  Yes it is simply the right thing to do, but we also understand that generosity attracts generosity.  As we clearly witness in Acts, God continued to add to the numbers of the church.

    People were being saved, but why?  Absolutely, it was the message of Jesus, but it was also the experience of encountering Jesus-kind of people.  People were being introduced to Christ through the fellowship and generosity of others.  Thus when someone feels as though they matter to someone else, they want to be a part of that endeavor to spread the love.

    Similar to how Jesus demonstrated generosity towards others in feeding thousands of people, we too are called to portray generosity towards others.  Every chance I get, I tell people about what NorthHaven is doing to impact the world with the love of Christ.

    I’m so proud of this church for how you rise up when one of our own is down.  I am so proud of how this church steps up when others have need.  I am so proud of this church, because we take the missional lifestyle extremely seriously.  I am so proud of this church, because we actually believe the words of our Lord, “Love God with all your heart, mind, and strength, and love others as you would love yourself.”


    Back to race day for a moment.  After crossing the finish line, I grabbed some water and started to watch the rest of the racers make their way down the stretch to the finish line.

    I was amazed at what I saw.  With each passing runner, the crowd cheered with enthusiasm.  They laughed.  They cried.  They recognized the feat of finishing the race.

    Some runners sprinted to the finish line, while others completed their journeys by walking the remaining distance.

    Some runners flew across the finish line alone, while others crossed laughing with a group.

    Some runners finished with still some left in the tank, while others were completely spent.

    Some runners were young and some were old.

    Some were male and some were female.

    Some had a smile on their face and others wore that, “I will never do this again” look.

    Every one of them though, no matter who they were and how fast they ran, got encouragement and applause from the crowd.

    Standing there watching all of this unfold, my mind began to wonder…

    I wonder if this is what Jesus was thinking about when he established his church?  Think about it….

    Look, there in the distance comes some others crossing the finish line.

    There is the hungry boy who was fed because NorthHaven helped in providing food in his backpack.

    There is the young family who got to stay in their house because NorthHaven paid their rent.

    There is the Native American girl who learned about the love of Jesus because NorthHaven provided food to her local church.

    There is the family who received a home which NorthHaven helped construct along with Habitat with Humanity.

    There is the young boy now grown up who learned about the love of Jesus from an adult who cared enough to teach his Sunday School class.

    There is the child with autism who learned the love of community in our Day School program.

    There is the elderly Kenyan man who we gave a mosquito net to his mother years ago.

    There is the Hispanic woman whose house we helped repair when NorthHaven sent a team to work alongside other Baptists in the Rio Gand Valley.

    There is the young man from the Gulf Coast NorthHaven helped when a team went to assist victims of Hurricane Katrina.

    There is the elderly lady who received a prayer shawl knitted by our NorthHaven ladies.

    There is the Ghanaian family who were all baptized by Rev. Timothy Wilson, a pastor we support in the Northern Volta Region of Ghana.

    They are all crossing the finish line because NorthHaven dared to be a missional congregation.  They are all finishing the race because you chose to make a difference.

    Through your generosity of resources, time, and effort, people from Norman to Africa are experiencing the Gospel and love of Jesus.

    Why NorthHaven?

    Because we are free…because we are inclusive…because we freely invite you to be a part of a church who still believes in the “embodiment of Pentecost.”  We still believe the Holy Spirit moves.  We still believe the love of Jesus can change the world.  We still believe Jesus’ church has the responsibility to cheer all the runners on who are running the race.

    Come join us, as we make a real difference to those we encounter.


    Living Missional

    When asked a question about the most important part of the law, Jesus responded not with belief but with action, “Love God with all your heart, understanding, and strength.  And, love your neighbor as you would love yourself.”

    Therefore, how are you loving God and neighbor this week?