Pride 2022

NorthHaven Church

An Inclusive Family of Christ Followers

Whatever made you click on this link today, I’m glad you did. Our message is simple, God loves you and accepts you just as you are.

You may not be a Christian or even religious, but it is still our sincerely held belief that the God we know in the person of Jesus loves and cherishes you like a beloved child right now. Exactly as you are. We know you’ve heard other churches and Christians say differently, and we’re sorry. Many of us carry our own, unique church wounds as well, and it motivates us to be better for others. That’s one reason we are a church that celebrates our LGBTQ+ members.

At NorthHaven, we believe that, for us, there is still great value in Christian worship and social action. At the same time, we recognize that there are good reasons not to be Christian in the modern world. Wherever you fall on the spectrum, we want you to know that there are churches in Norman, and not just ours, that will love and accept you as you are. And whether you ever step inside those doors or not, if you ever need a pastor, then I’m happy to answer that call with no strings attached. Sometimes we all just need someone. I know I do.

Jakob Topper
Senior Pastor


Or feel free to call us: 405.321.8170