Being Baptist

NorthHaven Church has a mission to enable people to discover a loving and inclusive fellowship, connect them with the principles of free and faithful Baptists, and inspire them to be the presence of Christ to the world. To assist us in our mission, we have decided to partner with the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, the Cooperating Baptist Fellowship of Oklahoma, and the Baptist General Convention of Texas. We believe these networks and partnerships will empower us to remain free and faithful to our stated purpose.

As a congregation of faith, we are unashamedly Baptist. We hold true to the four fragile freedoms of our Baptist tradition: soul freedom, religious freedom, biblical freedom and church freedom. However, we realize the world around us is changing. We no longer live in a world where individuals and families seek out the denominational church of their childhood. In fact, many experts are claiming that we have finally arrived to a post-denominational age.

With that in mind, as a Baptist congregation, NorthHaven is seeking opportunities to maintain the traditions of our past and embrace a new openness in our participation with Christians from other traditions. We cherish the freedoms that our Baptist forebears blazed, while at the same time seeing the importance of working together as a Christian community. We have always maintained that being like Christ is more important to us than making Baptists. Therefore, the time for those words to be put into practice has come.

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