There are key moments in the life of every great organization when evaluation, assessment, and planning for the future must take place.  As NorthHaven begins to break ground on our new Children and Youth Education Center, the time has arrived to begin discussing what future ministry and mission possibilities are before us.

Similar to the recommendation to create more usable space generated the current building project, the time to access current ministries and develop new opportunities is at hand.  Every great organization takes time to evaluate current conditions and realities, which hopefully produces a narrowing of present focus and an expansion of future possibilities.

Therefore, on Sunday evening, at 6:00 PM, NorthHaven will convene for an especially important Confero.  The term Confero means “to confer for conversation.”  Our congregation will meet over the course of two Sunday nights to discuss a wide range of topics, helping us to refocus our faith and practice in hopes of becoming more mature disciples and expanding our missional congregation.

Here are some examples of the questions we will be exploring this upcoming Sunday…

What are you currently doing to grow your personal faith?

In what ways are you investing in NorthHaven ministries and missions?

What would compel you to invite someone to church?

How much time each week do you have for church activities?

What currently excites you about your faith and your church?

What are you willing to do to invest in the future of NorthHaven?

These are just a few of the questions we will be exploring on the first night of Confero.  During our second gathering, we will then turn our conversation to specific ministries within our church in which people participate. In addition, we will explore any future ministries people would like to invest in for the purpose of engaging others with the presence of Christ.

We hope to see every person in attendance, interested in the future of God’s work through NorthHaven Church.

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